Dynamic Meteorology

Welcome to the Dynamic Meteorology group of the Institute for Atmospheric Physics at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz. The focus of our research is on the dynamics of the Earth‘s atmosphere from the micro scale all the way to the planetary scale. We aim to improve the conceptual understanding of the complex nonlinear dynamical phenomena and their interactions with „physical processes“. This understanding is essential to improve weather prediction and climate projections.

Our methods include a hierarchy of numerical models as well as the use of data from reanalysis projects and climate model simulations. As an important avenue towards conceptual understanding we develop and use sophisticated diagnostic tools allowing us to gain novel insight that cannot be obtained from just plotting model variables. The diagnostic tools, in turn, are related to theoretical concepts such as linear theory, PV thinking, or wave activity.

Latest News
  • 27-29 Sep 2021: Atmospheric Blocking virtual workshop organized by Franziska Teubler (IPA) and Seraphine Hauser (KIT).
  • 4 Aug 2021: V. Wirth gave an interview on 'alle wetter!', a daily broadcast by Hessischer Rundfunk, about last weeks' severe weather incidents and connections to atmospheric blocking.
  • 1 Jul 2021: Sören Schmidt has joined the group to work on multi-scale aspects of forecast uncertainty. Welcome Sören!
  • 23 April 2021: With great success the GirlsDay took place yesterday. A short report can be found here.
  • 1 Mar 2021: Isabelle Prestel-Kupferer has joined the group to work on aspects of dynamics and predictability beyond the synoptic scale. Welcome Isabelle!
  • Nov 2020 V. Wirth gave a talk about climate change in the context of 'Mainzer Universitätsgespräche'
  • 22 Sep 2020: F.Teubler was interviewed by JGU Magazine about Scientists for Future https://www.magazin.uni-mainz.de/11354_DEU_HTML.php
  • 20 Aug 2020: collaborative paper with computer scientists published "Cluster analysis tailored to structure change of tropical cyclones using a very large number of trajectories", Mon. Wea. Rev., 148, 4209–4229
  • 13 Feb 2020: V. Wirth held a keynote speech on "Climate Change" at Landesparteirat of SPD in Mainz.
  • 07 Feb 2020: V. Wirth interviewed by Margarete Jall (Bavarian Radio, BR) about this year's warm winter weather. Broadcast was part of “IQ Magazin”, to hear it follow this link. The interview starts at 6.23 min.
  • 17 Jan 2020: V. Wirth moderates ``Science on Stage'', a science slam event organized by 'Students for Future' in the context of the nationwide action day of 'Fridays for Future'.