Senior scientist in the Dynamic Meteorology group at the
Institute for Atmospheric Physics Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz Becherweg 21 55128 Mainz Germany Room 04-171 (423) Phone +49 6131 39-22866 E-Mail |
Brief CV
- 1982: Meteorology Diploma (University of Mainz)
- 1989: PhD (University of Mainz)
- 1990: Academic official (University of Mainz)
Research interests
Atmospheric Dynamics, Rossby Waves, Mountain Meteorology, Micrometeorology
Publications (peer reviewed publications are marked with an *)
- * Wirth, V., P. Bubel, J. Eichhorn, E. Schoemer, T. Kremer, R. Erbes, S. Schappert, and I. Prestel, 2020: The role of wind speed and wind shear for banner cloud formation. J. Atmos. Sci., [Link to online version]
- * Wirth, V., and J. Eichhorn, 2014: Long-lived Rossby wave trains as precursors to strong winter cyclones over Europe. Quart. J. Roy. Met. Soc., 140, 729-737. [Link to online version.]
- * Auras, M., Beer, S., Bundschuh, P., Eichhorn, J., Mach, M., Scheuvens, D., Schorling, M., von Schumann, J., Snethlage, R., Weinbruch, S.; 2013: Traffic-related immissions and their impact on historic buildings: implications from a pilot study at two German cities. Environmental Earth Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s12665-013-2276-4
- Eichhorn, J., von Schumann, J.; 2011: Numerische Modellierung der Ausbreitung und Deposition von Kfz-Emissionen. In: Wirkung verkehrsbedingter Immissionen auf Baudenkmäler - Eine Pilotstudie zu den Innenstädten von Mainz und München. IFS-Berichte, 37, ISSN 0945-4748, 79-86.
- * Belalcazar, L.C., Clappier, A., Blond, N., Flassak, T., Eichhorn, J.; 2010: A critical evaluation to the estimation of road traffic emission factors from tracer studies. Atmosph. Environ., 44/31, 3814-3822.
- * Eichhorn, J., Kniffka, A.; 2010: The Numerical Flow Model MISKAM: State of Development and Evaluation of the Basic Version. Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 19/1, 81-90.
- Balczó, M., Eichhorn, J.; 2009: Refined MISKAM simulations of the Mock Urban Setting Test. Proceedings of the XXIII. MicroCAD International Scientific Conference, Miskolc / Hungary, pp. 7-12; ISBN 978-963-661-866-7.
- Czáder, K., Balczó, M., Eichhorn, J.; 2009: Modelling of flow and dispersion in a street canyon by means of numerical simulation. Proceedings of the XXIII. MicroCAD International Scientific Conference, Miskolc / Hungary, pp. 47-52; ISBN 978-963-661-866-7.
- * Reinert, D., Wirth, V., Eichhorn, J., Panhans, W.-G.; 2007: A new LES-model for simulating air flow and warm clouds above highly complex terrain. Part I: The dry model, Boundary Layer Meteor., 125/1, 109 - 132.
- * Ries, K., Eichhorn, J.; 2001: Simulation of effects of vegetation on the dispersion of pollutants in street canyons, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, 10/4, 229 - 233.
- Eichhorn, J., Ries, R.; 1997: Einsatzmöglichkeiten numerischer Modelle zur Simulation der Geruchsstoffausbreitung, KTBL-Veröffentlichungen.
- * Eichhorn, J., Cui., K., Flender, M., Kandlbinder, T., Panhans, W.-G., Ries, R., Siebert, J., Trautmann, T., Wedi, N., Zdunkowski, W.; 1997: A Three-Dimensional Viscous Topography Mesoscale Model, Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 70/4, 301 - 317.
- Eichhorn, J.; 1996: Validation of a microscale pollution dispersal model, In: Air pollution modeling and its application XI, 539-545. Plenum Press, New York, 708pp.
- Eichhorn, J., Jaeschke, R., Ries, R., Beltz, N., Heil, O.; 1995: Naturmessungen verkehrsbedingter Immissionen als Grundlage zur Validierung des mikroskaligen Ausbreitungsmodells MISKAM, VDI-Berichte 1228, 473 – 494.
- * Eichhorn, J., Heil, O.; 1994: KLIMM, a numerical simulation program of the pollutant dispersal in a region with complex terrain, Meteorol. Zeitschrift, N.F. 3, 193 – 197.
- * Eichhorn, J., Schrodin, R., Zdunkowski, W.; 1988: Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulations of the Urban Climate, Beitr. Phys. Atmosph., 61, 187 – 203.
- Eichhorn, J.; 1989: Entwicklung und Anwendung eines dreidimensionalen mikroskaligen Stadtklima-Modells. PhD thesis, University of Mainz.
- Eichhorn, J.; 1982: Die Parametrisierung turbulenter Flüsse in numerischen Modellen der atmosphärischen Grenzschicht. Diploma thesis, University of Mainz.